Let an Election Lawyer Defend You

United States election crimes happen more often than you’d think. However, without a fair election, we would not have democracy.

An election crime occurs when a campaign breaks the law or people submit illegal votes. Some examples include:

  • The official at a polling place or election misuses their power
  • Falsified voter registration
  • The activity breaks campaign financing laws
  • The crime targets minorities or other protected groups

Depending on the scope of the activity, these crimes can be local, state, or federal offenses. If the ballot has one or more federal government candidates, the crime is automatically considered a federal offense and enters investigation by the FBI.

Instead of letting illegitimate votes derail your campaign, you can hire an election lawyer to defend you now. The attorneys at the Zoukis Consulting Group have years of training in criminal defense, and they can help you if someone accuses you of an election crime.

Hiring an experienced election lawyer will help you clarify the case and charges, present relevant evidence to the court, negotiate with the judge and jury, reduce your sentence, and potentially clear your name.

If someone charged you with election crimes, call the Zoukis Consulting Group today. We can prepare you for your future, whether out of jail or imprisoned, to give you the best, most justified outcome.

What Is Election Law?

Election law includes voting rights laws, constitutional amendments, voter suppression, voter fraud, campaign finance, and voter accessibility.

Article 1 of the United States Constitution gave the responsibility of overseeing federal elections to the states. Since then, amendments and federal laws have expanded voting rights to give more people the ability to vote, regardless of race, gender, occupation, language, abilities, or income.

However, election crimes can still occur on a local, state, and national scale. With over 1,300 proven cases of election fraud, these crimes pose a problem to democracy. There are three categories of federal election crimes: civil rights violations, voter fraud, and campaign finance crimes.

Civil rights violations suppress someone’s voting ability. These can include voter coercion, intimidation, and threats. Voter fraud involves registering with false information or illegally casting votes. Lastly, campaign finance crimes revolve around candidates accepting unlawful funds.

What Is the Punishment for Election Crimes?

The punishment associated with committing an election crime depends on the specific action taken by the perpetrator.

If you get charged with a civil rights violation or voter fraud concerning a federal election, you will have to pay a fine under Title 18. The fines go to the Treasury’s general fund. You may also face imprisonment for up to five years. The penalties typically do not exceed $10,000 for primary, public, or special elections.

These crimes include preventing someone from attending a poll, registering to vote, or voting for whom they want. They involve bribing someone with money or goods as well.

Those who solicit contributions unlawfully will get fined under Title 18 and may receive three years of imprisonment. The solicitation can involve causing someone to contribute against their will or under pretenses and accepting too much money from specific groups, particularly government employees.

If you misrepresent another political candidate or conspire against someone, you can get punished by federal law, as well.

Hire a Federal Election Lawyer Today

Election crimes can happen within political parties, committees, candidates, or campaigns. They occur on a local, state, or national scale, and they can cover many issues.

An election lawyer can advise you on ethical issues, gaming regulations, campaign laws, financial matters, lobbying requirements, securities, and municipal regulations. We can help you determine any restrictions on any campaign, candidate, committee, and party contributions.

Some of the groups we represent include:

  • Political action committees (PACs)
  • Candidate committees
  • Local, state, and federal candidates
  • Governmental bodies
  • Political party committees
  • Individuals or groups involved in election law matters

No matter your position, an election lawyer from the Zoukis Consulting Group can help you throughout your political activities. Our attorneys can inform you of the legality of your strategies and advise you on following guidelines.

We emphasize voter access, campaign finance law, nomination petitions, election contests, recounts, political action committees, regulatory matters, voting systems, election conduct, voting equipment, free speech, voting rights law compliance, and redistricting.

Whether your issue is on the state or federal level, we can negotiate in court for you. We can help you with severe or lighter accusations, including sentences like life in prison to get you justice and fair treatment by the law.

Call us today to set up a consultation and get started on your criminal case.