Attention Bloggers: Prison Law Blog Seeks Submissions

Attention Bloggers: Prison Law Blog Seeks Submissions

Are you a blogger, author, website administrator, attorney, paralegal, prison consultant, or academic who produces content about prisoner’s rights, prison law, or prison in general?  If so, the Prison Law Blog wants to hear from you!

As a multi-disciplinary, community-based publication, the Prison Law Blog is always seeking input from our readers and fellow prison law and prisoners’ rights experts.  We thrive on this input since it helps to improve the forum by adding the diverse voices necessary to tell the story of America’s criminal justice system and the reforms that need to be put in place.

At this juncture, the Prison Law Blog is seeking the following forms of content:

  • Blog Posts
  • Articles
  • Book Excerpts*
  • Podcasts
  • Videos
  • Photos
  • Infographics

*If you are the author of a book about prisons, prison law, or prisoners’ rights, contact the Prison Law Blog to discuss the potential serialization of such products.

We understand that even with a great idea or an important story, it can sometimes be challenging to put a pen to paper and create something of publishable quality.  If you find this to be the case, contact us.  We at the Prison Law Blog can help discuss ideas where your talents could be put to use.  For example, if you are part of an organization that our readers would be interested in, we could interview you or a member of your organization.  Likewise, we’re always open to profiling worthwhile organizations, discussing topics that you feel we have neglected, and reprinting important articles that our readers need to be aware of.

The point is simple: if you want to find a way to contribute and make a difference, we will help you find the mean by which to utilize your unique and valued skills.  This is what grassroots advocacy is all about, supporting one another in the struggle to not only succeed in our own lives but to effect meaningful reform.  We cannot do this without your assistance.

If you would like to discuss opportunities to contribute, please feel free to email us through the “Contact Us” page at
